Food Services

Tatum ISD Food Services
Vanessa Thompson
255 East Sterling Price
Tatum, Texas 75691
Main Phone 903-947-0316
Fax 903-947-2896

Food Service Information

Subject: Lunch Money Now by Systems Design

Dear Parent:

The Food Services Department of Tatum ISD is implementing an innovative new service for our students and parents. This exciting new service is called Lunch Money Now.

Lunch Money Now Website is a program that will permit parents to access their student's cafeteria account via the Internet. This access will provide the parent with the ability to do several things including checking the student's balance, viewing the students purchase history, and making deposits to the child’s lunch money account using a credit card. Parents are also able to subscribe for email warnings when their child's account dips below a specified threshold reminding the parent that their child's balance needs attention.

The credit card deposits are made using a secure transaction site and are typically available within the hour of the transaction during the regular school day. You can make deposits to multiple accounts with the same credit card transaction.

The access to your student's account is also secure requiring several items of student identification to view balances, view purchase history and make deposits via the Internet.

You may gain access to Lunch Money Now by going to the District web site ( You may also access additional information and step by step instructions on how to use all the features of Lunch Money Now by following the links on this web site.

We are confident that you will find this an efficient and convenient service to you and your children. We are always looking for better ways to serve you.


Vanessa Thompson
Tatum ISD - Food Services

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School Meals